Nérac is located about halfway between Bordeaux and Toulouse and roughly 30 minutes by car from Agen, making it easily accessible via air, train or car.
You can search train timetables and prices at Rail Europe.
If you read French, you can search train timetables and prices on the SNCF website. Make sure to stay on the French site, it will often ask you if you want to go to “your country’s” site which for us is Rail Europe. We have found there are often more trains and price points to choose from on the SNCF site (although sometimes foreign credit cards don’t always work…).
From Agen
Take the train to Agen where you can rent a car – it’s approximately 30 minutes by car to drive to Nérac. Alternatively, you can take a bus to Nérac from Agen train station. It takes around 45 minutes, costs €2 – €5 and runs a few times a day, usually scheduled to “meet” the TGV coming from Bordeaux or Toulouse. You can access the schedule here or here.
From Bordeaux/ Toulouse
Take the train or fly to Bordeaux or Toulouse and rent a car (1hr 30 minutes by car to Nérac).
*** Note that while rental cars are available at all airports and train stations, if you drive an automatic car, you will need to pick it up at a larger rental office as some of the smaller places (Agen) may not offer this option or will charge you extra for it.
We will provide you with more detailed instructions on how to get to the house once you have booked and know your travel arrangements.